The Consulting

Offset Trade

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Offset Trade

of Digirapter

Performs supportive business during the overall cycle (from the planning stage to the implementation and management stage), including proposing/reviewing negotiation plans related to the offset trade, conducting technology value assessment, providing technical support related to negotiation, and performing follow-ups

ⓒ Digirapter
ⓒ Digirapter

Offset trade

of Digirapter

Performs business support throughout the program cycle (from the planning stage to the implementation and management stage), including developing proposals/negotiation plans related to the offset trade, conducting technology value assessment, providing technical support related to negotiation, and performing follow-ups

CEO. Spencer Lee
Address.  6F C247, 602, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Customer Center.  +82-2-6207-2077

Fax.  +82-02-6455-6000

Business License.  587-57-00160


Copyright ⓒ Digirapter All Rights reserved.

Digirapter Co., Ltd.

CEO. Spencer Lee
Address.  6F C247, 602, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Customer Center.  +82-2-6207-2077

Fax : +82-2-6455-6000

Business License.  587-57-00160


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